Friday, October 29, 2010

Waiting at the Start

After spending the better part of a month putting our travel plans into action, followed by a week delay leaving Newfoundland (Thanks Marine Atlantic), we are now in Halifax waiting for our flight to London which leaves just after midnight on November 2.

We took the time here to get ahead with some of the home schooling with the boys, pick up some much needed travel supplies, and continue with some final travel arrangements. Now we are anxious to go. The longer we wait the more I wonder if we are crazy. This trip is new for all of us .None of us have done any independent travel in a foreign country and here we are planning to do it for 6 months. I guess it is the butterflys in my stomach getting to me. The ones that I always had before a race, interview, test or other big event but they quickly go away when things get started. Let the adventure begin!

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