Friday, July 8, 2011

London – The Curtain Comes Down

London, May 10 - After our 10 days of wanderings in the English countryside it was back to London for a few days before our flight back to Canada. We were all looking forward to this last leg of our overseas trip, a few more days and we would be back home! London was where our trip had begun 7 months ago but now we were returning as comfortable travelers to a familiar city. We had simple plans for our 2 days in London; see the Lion King, let the kids visit Hamley's toy store, and take in a few sites we missed last time.

Waiting to see The Lion King
The Lion King was amazing, we all enjoyed the whole spectacle of songs, sounds, sets, and the incredible animal costumes. And after seeing the behaviour and movement of the animals on our African safari, we got an even greater appreciation for the efforts made in the costumes used to portray these same animals on stage. It was a great play and even Aaron was totally enthralled. Every time I glanced over at him he was wide-eyed and totally absorbed with the play. As we all so enjoyed this play, we decided to take in another play the next night. If we could get the tickets, it was going to be Wicked, the story of the Wizard of OZ but from the point of view of the Wicked Witch of the West.

Trafalgar Square
The next morning, after getting our tickets for Wicked, it was off to Hamley's toy store with the boys and their birthday money. The boys spent a couple of hours scouring the 6 floors of toys for that unique or special toy they could not get at home. In the end they both made some tough choices as to what toys they would not buy. With Aaron's and Niall's shopping spree complete Susan took the afternoon for her own shopping spree while myself and the boys wandered through some of the parks of London and revisiting Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace. Then it was another great night at the theatre before the curtain went down on the this part of our journey.

Hyde Park
It was a great couple of days in London. We were leaving contented with what we had done but knowing there was much more to see and do. Over the course of our travels we had learned there are always things that would need to wait for another visit. It was this in mind that as we boarded our plane back to Canada, we discovered we had mixed feelings for the end our trip. There was the excitement of going home and the regret that this part of our journey was ending with so much more to see. Susan and I have already decided there will need to be other trips.

For a few more pictures of London, check out our web album.

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